IBCMS2014-Call for Papers: Restoration and Rejuvenation of Heritage


Restoration and Rejuvenation of Cultural and Natural Heritage: A Museological Perspective
2014 International Biennial Conference of Museum Studies Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Professor Pao-teh Han
[Call for Papers]
The advent of the fields of museum and cultural heritage studies and social sciences’ reinvention of material culture studies during the 1980s have made these fields today social sui generis, in the context of Émile Durkheim. And, in exploring the nature of cultural heritage, an emphasis on historic sites and architecture as embodied by the “world heritage” concept is no longer adequate. Interpretation and communication of museum approaches to collection, exhibitiib, education help frame the issue of whether museum objects and cultural heritage are treated as either cultural relics or scientific specimens. This, in turn, helps determine whether their meaning and value is antotelic (having innate purpose) or exotelic (having purpose in the context of some external objective) on the way to eliciting the raison d’être of natural and cultural heritage in museums.
The Role of Museums in Preserving and Rehabilitating Heritage Resources
The Display and Interpretation of “Musealized” Heritage
Heritage Education: Theories and Practice
Heritage Management and Politics
Architecture and Cultural Heritage
Academic Research & Social Practice on Museums and Heritage Resource

Download: [Call for Papers], [application form]
Deadline for proposals: Mar. 28, 2014
Date: Oct.30~31, 2014
E-mail: 8thimstnua@gmail.com
Website: http://gims.tnua.edu.tw/ibcms2014/homeEN.html
Organizers: National Taiwan Museum, Graduate Institute of Museum Studies (Taipei National University of the Arts)